
Chapter 4 - A Loveless Marriage With A Cold Hearted Billionaire


“Babe, where are you going this weekend?” Katie asked as we both walked out of the elevator heading towards her office.

She called me up an hour ago to join her at her boutique to spend some time together.

“I’m spending my weekend with my dad at the hospital. I’d informed you he’s going to be discharged next week so my weekend is already booked.”

“I totally forgot. Is uncle aware of the situation of the company?”

“Not yet. I haven’t told him but sooner or later, he’s going to have an idea about it and will probably regret his decision of entrusting the company to me.”

“Don’t talk that way, babe. Your dad would never regret his decision of entrusting the company with you.”

“I just don’t know what else to do in order to make everything right again. The shareholders are adamant I look for a quick solution or they will pull away from the company.”

“I wish there’s a way I could help you more.”

“It’s okay bestie. You’ve done more than enough for me which I am so grateful for. I just feel like giving up on everything.”

“Things are going to get better with time, you just have to keep believing.”

“It’s just so hard for me, bestie. Why can’t you see and understand it?”

“I know how hard it is but overthinking won’t solve anything. Instead it only makes things worse.”

“But Katie,” I was still talking when she cut me short.

“I’m really worried about you, babe. Haven’t you noticed how slender you have become?”

“I have also noticed it. I just wish there was a way to end all of the worries by committing suicide.”

“You did not just say that, babe. There’s absolutely no way you would think of doing such a thing just because of the situation of the company. Things are bound to happen for some reason so don't even think of saying those words again?”

“I’m sorry, Katie. I just said the words out of frustration and anger.”

“We will find a way together, okay?” She conceded, embracing me into her arms.

“Okay babe.” I mumbled hugging her back.


“Sir, everything has been carried out as you have instructed.” Frank briefly explained to me as we both got inside the elevator to my office.

“Good! You can also arrange for the interview in the mansion. My mom will be the one doing the other stuff.”

“Okay sir. I will do just that. Also, there’s someone waiting at the office for you.” He revealed, in a low tone.

“Who is it?” I asked, curiously as we stepped out of the elevator before heading towards my office.

ife, Mrs Susan.” He reveale

ociates and he’s the reason the company is a great

the company has been having sexual advances towards me ever

into my office?” I gritted m

w she got in and I da

y company. Anyways, ge

strolled away while I sighed in ange

r perfume hit through my nostril which made me fee

frowned, staring at her half expo

ea how long I’ve been waiting for you?” She uttered, g

u have been here. How did

rything. Don’t you know why I am here?” She smirke

with business because I don’t have ti

s offer for you.” She grinned and placed her left hand

ute or you won’t like what’s going to happen nex

anted in my man. Anyways, like I said I came

ked over to my desk and took my seat as she

I inquired, resting my back on the chair bef

as he walked in with the coffee and dropp

proposal has to

clearly, Susan?” I grumbled befo

relationship together with

anything to do with her. Do you really think I will agree to such stupi

ess, I won’t take those words to heart because

urself and get the he

nk of my business proposal.” She got o

mind. Have a nice day, Andrew.” She added w

will have anything to do wit


en I got a call from my mom stating

nd heart attacks which was why he

e company and got into my car before tak

han twenty minutes and rushed in ta

rushed to my dad’s word to

om?” I asked, rus

e and the next minute I knew his breathing just

strong man.” I affirmed and hugged h

ble to save him. I reall

ctor walked out of the war

he, d

went into a saturation stage. However, he’s stable now and wis

’t try to reach out to anyone until he’s much

in, Miss Tia.” He urged me towards the do

d in to find my dad lying on the bed with a series of wires c

he turned his face to

of the company away from me, sunshin

le world being shattered into pieces. I neve