
Chapter 3 - Sold to the Ruthless Sex Master

Lily Pov

"I told you not to go to her house anymore, I told you already, that woman will keep disgracing us and I don't want that"Dad yelled at me trying so hard not to break down and I sniffed.

"I was left with no choice Dad, I don't want to become a slave to that monster, I don't want him to hurt me"

"I don't want to have anything to do with Maura again, She really hurt me two years ago by leaving me all to myself, I don't want to have anything to do with her anymore"

"I knew that Dad, I also didn't want to have anything to do with her, but we are left with no choice Dad"

"Why am I so unfortunate? Why have I been so useless all my life?, Here I am watching my child about to be carted away as a slave without me doing nothing, Why is everything keep falling apart from me?"Dad cried out with tears stung in his eyes and I burst into tears, I walk to him immediately amd pull him into a hug,

"You aren't misfortune Dad, trust me, you are not"I assure him and she smiled sadly.

"I'm misfortune, if not, then why is this happening to me?"

"Don't worry Dad, things will be fine"Jason assure him and he nodded.

The Next day...

I prepared the breakfast and saw Dad off as usual before changing into another dress.

After that, I went to the street to gather money for Lucian debt.

"I'm sorry Lily, I won't be able to borrow you the money, things has not be moving well for me this days"

"Oh... poor Lily, I'm so sorry, I don't have much on me right now"

"Please come back some other time"

That's all what the people I went to borrow money from keep repeating every time I went to them.

At the end of the day, I wasn't able to gather any money for the debt, I went home disappointed as usual.

The Next day...

Our home was as silent as grave yard, everyone of us stayed in his/her room not bothering to go out.

We were grieving in our own thoughts, expecting the unexpected to happen.

And slowly, the time crawl to 7 am, I heard a knock at the door and my heart thump heavily.

I rush out of the room and surprisingly, I met Dad and Jason out of their room as well.

We both walk to the living room and Jason went ahead to open the door, Three men dressed in black entered the room with a straight face.

"Good morning"Dad greeted trembling they ignored his greeting .

"Where's the collateral, Lucian demands your presence in his mansion immediately"He demanded and I jump onto Dad immediately for protection.


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