
Chapter 1 - A Deal With The Billionaire


THEME: A Condition



Christopher Crawford is a perfect combination of good looks and wealth. A handsome thirty years old young looking man. And he is a managing director at Crawford Corporation.

On a Saturday afternoon, Christopher received a call from his mom that his father collapsed at work and has been taken to the hospital. He rushed down to valley hospital where he met his mom, elder sister, her husband and his younger sister sitting in the hallway as they waited for the doctor to come out from the private ward to give feedback about Mr Crawford's condition.

"Mom, how is dad doing?" Christopher asked as he got closer to his family members.

"We are yet to hear from the doctor." Mrs Ashley King, the first child of Mr Crawford, a wife to Mr Matthew King and a mother of three children responded to her brother's question.

"I hope he is fine." Mrs Hope Crawford mumbled to herself.

Christopher went close to his mother and crouched down in front of her, holding her hands in the process.

"I believe dad will be fine." Christopher gave her hand a small squeeze.

Tears sting in Mrs Crawford's eyes just at the mere thought of losing her husband.

"He doesn't listen to me anymore. I told him not to go to work on a weekend but he was so adamant about meeting this particular Italian investor." Mrs Hope Crawford blinked back tears.

"Mom, you know dad always like to be the one to negotiate with foreign investors." Mrs Ashley King said.

Mrs Hope Crawford nodded in agreement. "Yes I know. But Christopher once did a good job at negotiating with an investor. So why won't your dad let him handle the works at the company?" She sniffed and stared at her only son.

"I agree with you. Dad should retire already so Christopher can take over. He is old and the stress from work is too hard and it is wearing him out." Miss Ava Crawford, twenty three years old and the last child of Crawford agreed to her mom's words.

"Mom, please let dad be the one to make such decisions himself. If he thinks that he can still handle works at the company then it is fine." Christopher said in a calm tone.

"So we can always be here at the hospital every time? No, I don't agree and he has to retire from work. I am going to make sure of it." Mrs Hope Crawford replied with a serious look on her face.

"Relax mom... dad will be fine." Christopher gave her a reassuring look. He stood up to his feet.

The door to the private ward opened and a doctor and two nurses stepped out to the Crawford family. Mrs Hope Crawford stood up quickly and the rest of the family rushed to meet the doctor.

"Doctor, how is my husband?"

"How is my dad doing?"

"Is my dad okay?"

The Crawford questioned at the same time with an uncertain, sad and unhappy looks on their face. The doctor who has been the Crawford family doctor for years now smiled.

"Mr Crawford is doing just fine." He said.

Sighs of relief escaped from each of them.

"So what went wrong again?" Mrs Hope Crawford asked.

"He suffered from a mild heart attack but we were able to resuscitate him. But I'll advice that he stays away from work and have a bed rest until he gets better." Doctor Jeremiah explained Mr Crawford's health condition and how he thinks the old man can get better.

ked the doctor that was almost mr Crawford's age before he

e bed with two pillows popped behind him to help him stay comfortable while talking to his family. He didn't want to lay on his back lo

smile on his face. "What's tha

usband a glare knowing that

I am doing just fine. It is just

ared me. I am sick and tired of ru

ing? I thought we vowed in sickness, good health and till d

you think I am quitting on you? How can you thin

you by my side even if I might d

lk about death so easily? How do you want me to deal with these children?!" She grimaced wi

e family laughed. They knew their fa

r mom still loves me very

at her children. "How can you laug

e still crack jokes and tease you in this co

is just scared of loosing me." M

rs at that moment, realizing that her husband

ny, Crawford." She po

re." And she didn't hesitate to go to him. "Sit down." He

d and Ava sat on the long couch w

u. And I promise this won't happen agai

words the last time." Mr

I do is apologize to you." Mr Crawford int

do you want me to believe

w do I make you believe me? Of course, I always have my pla

ions?" Mrs Hope C

am retiring from my position as the chief executive of

Crawford face. "You have ma

his siblings before looking back at hi

n response. "You are the rightful

spoke up for the first time since he has been at the h

then that means you will take over his position as the managing director." Mr Craw

ad?!" Mrs Ashl

s expert. And since he is part of the family now then he should hav

s the best de

million dollar handbag. Right?" Mr Crawford asked,

the best because you have

Let me finish before you start up your lec

ou have to say?" Mrs

or anyone never expected at that moment. "Christopher needs to g

s..." Ava

rlfriend and they have been dating for years n

a chief executive officer at the company. He has a girlfriend. The love of his life, Jessica Campbell. All he needs to do is propose

choosing a life partner. It doesn't matter if you have been dating

"Jessica is a good girl. I

n for Christopher and they both love eac

s to your badge of capability towards running the company as a responsible man. Invite your fiancée over fo

topher gasped out with his

head. "Yes, three weeks. Is

roblem. But dad don't y

I want to retire to be with my wife. So I'll run the company as the chief executive officer t

you need to rest." Mrs Craw

d persuade your son to bring his

e CEO and bring my woman along-" Mr Crawfo

married I'll step down." Christopher tried to protest but his dad

eed. He knew that was final. His