
Chapter 1 - 2019 Top Ten Gay Romance

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It was mostly highway driving, so I set the cruise control, turned up the radio, and blanked out a little. For an hour, I let my mind wander, trying not to think too much about the food in my backseat. Instead, I focused on how much fun it would be just to hang out with my sister. We’d always gotten along perfectly. She was only two years older, and we’d been best friends since the moment I was born. We rarely fought, and even if we did, we couldn’t stay mad at each other for long. I’d lucked out when I’d gotten her for a sister.

After about another hour, it started to snow. Big fat flakes, lazily falling. I’d checked the weather before I left, and I knew it was going to happen. But it wasn’t supposed to be more than a few inches accumulation, and having lived in Upstate New York my entire life, I wasn’t worried about driving in it.

But the farther north I drove, the worse the snow got. I took off the cruise, and leaned forward so I could really focus. It still wasn’t terrible, but it required all my attention. Fortunately, my exit came up quickly, and I drove off the highway and onto the backroads leading to Mark’s family’s cabin.

“Cabin” really was a misnomer, though. It was more like a log house. It had four bedrooms, two upstairs and two down, a full bathroom on the second floor and a half bath on the first. I’d spent many a weekend there hanging out with my sister, her husband, and various members of his family. It was nice and quiet, the cabin surrounded by several acres of national forest.

Finally, I pulled into the long private road, and thankfully I had four-wheel drive, because there was at least four inches of snow piled on it. I slid a little when I made it to the end, but managed not to crash into the porch. I breathed a sigh of relief, turned off the car, and shook out my tense muscles. I hadn’t realized how tightly I was gripping the steering wheel.

I grabbed my bags from the back and waded through the ankle-deep snow to the front door. The lock box had a number pad, and I fished out my phone to get the code from my sister, only to find a text with the code already waiting for me. I chuckled, punched it in, and pulled out the key. The door unlocked easily, though the hinges creaked as it swung in, and I gratefully got out of the frigid air.

on. I left my bags in the entryway, divested myself of my outwear, texted Ellie that I’d arrived safe and t

ly, knowing I’d be doing the cooking all weekend. It didn’t take long to get everything stored away, and when Ellie texted a few minutes late

At three hours, I moved from concern to full-out worry. Lunch was done and staying warm in the oven, and Ellie still hadn’t arrived. I’d tried to call, but it went straight to voicemail. I went out and sho

heard a clomp of boots on the steps outside. I whirled ar

time! I wa

I squinted, because I knew that shape. Those shoulders and those legs.

sending snow showering down, a



o broke my

le more lined, but still very, very good. He smiled tentatively, and for just a second, I was taken back to the fir