
Chapter 4 - The Dark Alpha's Light


The elevator door opens, and I step off with Tyrell. He had convinced me to leave my room and come to the social on the first night of his conference. I arrived yesterday with Mother and Mina so we could spend some time with our extended family. However, I had spent most of the time in my room on the royal floor getting work done. I intended only to attend the meetings, but Tyrell begged me to socialize.

Tyrell pats my shoulders, “I have to go shake hands,” He says. “You’ll be alright?”

“I’m a grown man Tyrell,” I huff. My cousin nods and rushes away from me. I linger in the hallway as Set is acting up again. My beta wanders up to me.

“Do you need me to stay nearby?” He asks.

I shake my head, “You can go mingle, Beta,” I respond to him. I had brought him and his younger brother Todd, who is my sister’s best friend. “Remember, no alcohol. My policy stands even here.”

Beta Garth nods slowly. “Yes, Alpha,” He replies.

I stand for a few minutes before making my way to the lounge. I go to the bar and get a cup of tea. The bartender looks at me strangely when he hands me the tea. My cousin had assured me that he made sure the bar had my tea. I grab the cup and walk away towards a corner of the room.

“Torben Ambrose,” A familiar voice calls to me, and I watch Alpha Edwin Dante move towards me. I sigh and try to put on a civil face. “I can’t believe you finally showed up.”

I stand up and tower over the shorter alpha. “Alpha Dante,” I mumble and sip my tea.

“Tea?” He laughs.

I nod but say nothing.

“Anyways, I wondered if you had given any thought to my bid. I believe the product we produce will be the best for your needs,” Alpha Dante says to me.

“I am still going over the proposal, Alpha,” I reply. “There are many other bids for the project.”

“I see. The offer has a time limit,” Alpha Edwin pats my shoulder. “Can I get you a proper drink?”

“I have my drink,” I indicate my tea.

“That’s not a drink, Torben,” Alpha Dante laughs.

“It’s my kind of drink,” I huff.

“Anyways, I will talk to you soon, alright?” He laughs and walks away.

I sigh with relief and step out of the lounge. There is a balcony that overlooks the royal city. I look out and sip my tea. Set is becoming a problem, and I would rather be working in my room. That was the only thing that seemed to quiet my mind. The scent of perfume washes over me, and I turn to see an overdressed female approaching me. She is wearing a tight dress with her breasts nearly spilling out while her blonde hair is done up tall. I can smell the large amount of hairspray that was used. She rubs my arm and smiles. I step away from her as Set growls. He is hell-bent on finding our mate, and any other female will not do.

“You are Alpha Ambrose, aren’t you?” She purrs.

I nod tersely. “I am,” I sip my tea.

“Cousin of King Tyrell,” She smirks.

I nod. “Correct again.” I take another step back from her. I know where this is going. She is most likely an alpha or beta’s daughter looking for an alpha male to satisfy her urge to mate.

“I am looking for the strongest alpha male to be my mate, and you fit that bill,” She explains. “Daddy only wants the best for me,” She giggles.

“I bet he does. Did he not teach you to dress like a proper lady and not a hooker?” I grumble, and her face falls.

“I’m not a hooker. I am a beautiful woman and deserve to dress however I want,” She whines and flips her hair.

I finish my tea, “I am not interested,” I tell her and walk away. I hear her complain, but I don’t turn. I walk into the lounge, and I smell chamomile. I sniff my cup, but this scent is all around me, and Set is acting up. I feel him pacing inside of my head. He is whining and trying to take over. I walk over to the bar and set my teacup down. I look around the lounge for the source and see a young female talking with Alpha Dante’s son, Simon, and another male she seems overly familiar with.

The scent is emanating from her, and Set is going wild, trying to get me to approach her. She is wearing an entirely too short black dress with her breasts showing off to everyone. Simon Dante keeps touching her, and it’s driving my wolf crazy. Despite the dress, I have to admit she is the most beautiful woman here, and I stare at her for a moment. To my horror, she allows Dante to lead her to the dancefloor, and I watch as they dance closely together. Set is going mad, clawing at the inside of my mind trying to get out. I hadn’t desired my mate in so long, and here I was, getting angry that she was near other males. She appears to be in a daze, so I assume she smells me too and her wolf is most likely acting like mine.

‘Go to her,’ Set growls. ‘Get her away from that other male. She is ours!’

I try to ignore him, but my instincts are making it difficult. I cannot deny my feelings, and when the music stops, I watch as Simon Dante is about to place his slimy lips on what is mine. I am not in control when a thunderous growl rolls out of me, and in seconds I am pulling Dante off of her and throwing him across the room. I grab my mate and pull her to my chest. “Mine!” I growl out. She looks up at me wide-eyed. ‘MATE!’ Set confirms. There is momentary silence until I come to my senses, and she tries to get out of my hold. I hold her tight while she struggles. “You are mine!”

“No!” She whimpers and looks away from me.

Two males run up to me, and I recognize one as Alpha Wyatt Moonglade of the Moonglade pack. “Alpha Ambrose, let go of my daughter,” He growls.

“Mine!” I repeat.

“Daddy,” My mate whines as her father growls and steps towards me with the younger male at his side. “Let me go!” She beats on my chest, and with reluctance, I let go, and she runs and grabs onto Alpha Moonglade.

Alpha Moonglade and the younger male close ranks, and he glares at me.

My anger rolls off as my mate does everything she can to not look at me by burying her face in Alpha Moonglade’s back. “Hand over my mate, Alpha Moonglade.”

“I will do no such thing,” He snarls. “She is my daughter, and you frightened her.”

“She is mine!” I step towards him. The other alpha doesn’t seem fazed and stands tall.

That only angers Set more, and he pushes forward. “If you want to live, I suggest you hand her over,” Set’s deeper voice seeps out my mouth, and he pushes the other alpha.

Alpha Moonglade pushes back, and I go to punch him when my cousin runs over and pulls me back while the younger male holds Alpha Moonglade back.

“What’s going on, Torben?” He asks and looks at the other alpha. “Alpha Moonglade?”

“He won’t hand over my mate,” I growl. I notice that my mate seems to have run off. I look around the room while sniffing the air.

“Mate?” Tyrell laughs. “You found your mate, Torbie?”

I growl loudly at my cousin despite him being the king. “Yes,” I say through gritted teeth. “Where is she, Alpha?” I growl loudly at Alpha Moonglade and go to push him again. Another male has run up to us along with my beta. I recognize the other man as Carl Stewart. A cousin on Tyrell’s father’s side. Carl stands beside Alpha Moonglade. “Where is my mate?” I demand.

Tyrell tries to push me back. “You have to calm down, Torben.” He says to me using his kingly tone. “You need to discuss this rationally. The poor girl is probably frightened.” He turns to Alpha Moonglade. “Maybe you should have your daughter come back in, Wyatt.”

The other alpha sighs heavily and looks at the younger male, “Ryland, go find your sister, please.”

Ryland glares at me. “Why so this asshole can scare her some more?” He growls.

I turn my attention to him.

“Just do as I ask, Ryland,” Alpha Moonglade tells him.

Ryland narrows his eyes at me and walks away.

Tyrell clasps my upper arm. “Good now, let's go discuss things,” He says. The tension in the room is palatable as we walk out. Everyone in the room has been silently watching. “Go back to the party, everyone,” Tyrell says with a nervous laugh.

We move out to the hallway, and my mate’s chamomile scent is all around me. And I look around for her. Tyrell makes us go into a sitting room, and I am too tense to sit.

“Okay, gentlemen, let’s discuss this,” Tyrell stands in between us.

“There is no discussion. I want my mate,” I state.

“She is not an object, Alpha Ambrose,” Moonglade snarls at me.

“I know that, but she is mine. I will be taking her back to Hemlock Grove tomorrow,” I tell him, and his face falls.

“Torben, you said you will stay for the whole conference,” Tyrell says to me. “You can’t leave yet.”

I sigh and glare at my cousin. “I have a lot of work to do, Tyrell.” Chamomile fills my senses, and I see my mate walking in on Ryland’s arm. I growl as I am not happy she is touching another male.

“Relax,” Alpha Moonglade snarls. “Ryland is her brother.”

“I don’t care,” I say while staring at her.

Alpha Moonglade steps towards my mate. “You have to go with your mate, Lenore.”

She shakes her head. “No, Daddy, please don’t make me go.” Tears well up in her eyes as she tightly grips Ryland’s arm. The fear I sense from her is making my cold heart ache.

Set whimpers in my head. ‘She is petrified of us.’

“You have to grow up, Lenore,” I growl. Her fright turns into a sneer.

Alpha Moonglade touches her shoulder, and I have to refrain from growling at him. “Lenore, you need at least talk to him.”

Hearing her name makes Set hum like a lovestruck idiot.

“Daddy, please,” Lenore pleads with her father.

“Talk to him, Lenore. Maybe he isn’t quite the asshole we all think he is,” Alpha Moonglade says, and I growl again. He turns to me. “We’ll leave you two to discuss things.” He nods at his son and the others. He steps towards me. “Hurt my daughter, and you’ll find out that my pack is much stronger than you think,” He growls.

“I have no intention of hurting your daughter, Alpha,” I snarl in response.

He grabs Ryland, “Come on, son.” Lenore is still clinging to her brother. “You have to let go of your brother, Lenore,” He hooks a finger under her chin. “You will be okay.” He leans down and says something in her ear.

Lenore sniffles and lets go of her brother. She watches as her father and the others march out of the room.

Tyrell leans into me,” Try not to frighten her any more, Torben,” He pats my chest and walks out of the room.

Lenore stands on the edge of the room near the door, refusing to look at me. That only angers me.

“Why are you refusing to look at me?” I ask in a harsh tone. “Did your father not teach you manners?” I close the gap between us, and she tries to step back, but I wrap my arm around her and pull her against me. She tenses up and tries to escape. “Are you that scared of me?” I ask her.

“Please let me go,” She says softly.

I let her go, and she moves towards the door. “Do not leave,” I order her.

She sighs and looks at the ground while playing with her hands. I reach out and grab her hands. “I apologize for scaring you,” I say softly. “I wish you would look at me.” I touch her cheek, and she flinches away from me. “I promise I won’t hurt you,” I say to her, and slowly she looks up at me with blue eyes.

She gulps. “Can you just reject me and get it over with?”

My heart sinks when she says that. “Why would I reject you? You are mine.”

She takes a deep breath and looks me in the eyes, “I, Lenore Angelica Moonglade, rej-“ I cover her mouth before she can finish the sentence.

“You are rejecting me?” I snort, and she looks away from me. I grab her chin and force her to look at me. “Look, I didn’t come here looking for my mate either. But you are my mate, and I intend to take you back to Hemlock Grove whether you want to or not.”

“I don’t want to,” She states.

“You have to grow up, sometime. You can’t cling to your Daddy forever,” I sneer.

She narrows her eyes at me before turning and walking out of the sitting room. I follow her as she runs into Simon Dante. The younger male has a bruise on his forehead. He stops Lenore. “Hey, are you alright?” He asks her.

I stand a few feet away and glare at him.

Lenore shakes her head but says nothing. Simon touches her arm, and I let out a growl. “I suggest that you don’t touch my mate, Dante,” I say to him.

“You don’t scare me, Alpha Ambrose,” Simon huffs. “You scared my future, Luna, and that angers me.”

“You mean my Luna,” I snort. “Now step away before I throw you across the room again,” I snarl.

“I’m okay, Simon,” Lenore pats his arm and starts to walk away again.

I grab her arm, and she squeals and tries to pull away from me. “Pack your things. We are leaving at six am sharp, and I don’t like to be late.” I let go of Lenore, and she rushes away from me without looking back. I watch her walk towards the elevators, and another woman runs up to her. They both get on the elevator, and the other woman stares at me as the doors close.

I sigh as Set urges me to go after her. ‘Why are you standing there?’ He growls.

I turn away from the elevators and wander down the hall. Mother walks up to me with Aunt Rebecca. “Torben,” Mother says to me. “I heard you found your mate.”

“It’s alright, Mother, “ I mumble.

“Where is she?” Mother looks around.

“She went upstairs somewhere,” I mumble. “We are leaving in the morning.”

“All of us?” She asks.

“You and Mina may stay longer if you wish. But I must return to Hemlock Grove,” I state.

“Oh, Torben, why?”

“Work, Mother,” I respond.

“And your mate?” She asks.

“She is coming with me,” I tell her.

“Did you demand she go with you?” Mother asks.

“She’s my mate,” I respond, and she sighs.

“Poor girl must be scared to death. I will go talk to her,” Mother says.

I shake my head, “You don’t need to do that, Mother.”

“What is her name?” Mother asks.

“Mother,” I growl, and she smacks my arm.

“What is her name?” Mother asks with a stern tone.

“Lenore Moonglade,” I respond, and Set purrs hearing her name. ‘Quit acting like a puppy,’ I say to him.

“Wyatt Moonglade’s daughter?” Aunt Rebecca asks, and I nod. “You know Carl Stewart is his beta.”

I shrug.

“Anyways, we’ll go talk to her,” Aunt Rebecca nods at Mother.

I sigh, “Whatever. I am going to my room,” I grumble and walk towards the elevator. The chamomile scent is strong, and it takes everything I have to maintain my composure. Set is insisting on finding Lenore and marking her. When the elevator opens, I rush down to my room and sit on the bed. My head is a mess with Set pacing and trying to get me to find Lenore.

‘Her wolf’s name is Astrid,’ Set hums.

‘You already spoke to her wolf?’ I ask.

‘Of course. While you humans were acting like idiots, we connected. Lenore is a strong and intelligent woman. We are lucky to have her and Astrid for mates,’ Set explains.

‘She doesn’t want me, though,’ I sigh again.

‘Give her time,’ Set responds.

I move to a recliner and pick up my book and try reading. Lenore is running through my head, and I hate that I am falling for this mate bond. ‘Lenore,’ I keep repeating. ‘Such a beautiful name for a beautiful woman.’ An hour passes of me trying to read and clear my mind.

“Get a hold of yourself, Torben. Don’t let a woman control you this way,” I grumble to myself. Finally, it’s too much, and I need to see my mate. ‘Mother, what room is Lenore in?’ I ask through mind link.

‘She is in room 208 on the third floor,’ Mother replies. ‘I just spoke with her.’

I don’t reply and march out of my room and straight for the elevator. I get to the third floor and follow her scent to the room. I hear her heavenly voice from within talking to another female. I also hear a male’s voice, and I have to hold back my anger as I knock on the door.

I hear Lenore inside speaking with the other female. “You have to answer the door, Lenore,” the other female says.

The door opens, and Lenore is wearing just a pair of shorts and a tank top. “Yes, Alpha Ambrose?” She says while looking past me.

“We need to talk,” I say to her.



The elevator door opens, and I step off with Tyrell. He had convinced me to leave my room and come to the social on the first night of his conference. I arrived yesterday with Mother and Mina so we could spend some time with our extended family. However, I had spent most of the time in my room on the royal floor getting work done. I intended only to attend the meetings, but Tyrell begged me to socialize.

Tyrell pats my shoulders, “I have to go shake hands,” He says. “You’ll be alright?”

“I’m a grown man Tyrell,” I huff. My cousin nods and rushes away from me. I linger in the hallway as Set is acting up again. My beta wanders up to me.

“Do you need me to stay nearby?” He asks.

I shake my head, “You can go mingle, Beta,” I respond to him. I had brought him and his younger brother Todd, who is my sister’s best friend. “Remember, no alcohol. My policy stands even here.”

Beta Garth nods slowly. “Yes, Alpha,” He replies.

I stand for a few minutes before making my way to the lounge. I go to the bar and get a cup of tea. The bartender looks at me strangely when he hands me the tea. My cousin had assured me that he made sure the bar had my tea. I grab the cup and walk away towards a corner of the room.

“Torben Ambrose,” A familiar voice calls to me, and I watch Alpha Edwin Dante move towards me. I sigh and try to put on a civil face. “I can’t believe you finally showed up.”

I stand up and tower over the shorter alpha. “Alpha Dante,” I mumble and sip my tea.

“Tea?” He laughs.

I nod but say nothing.

“Anyways, I wondered if you had given any thought to my bid. I believe the product we produce will be the best for your needs,” Alpha Dante says to me.

“I am still going over the proposal, Alpha,” I reply. “There are many other bids for the project.”

“I see. The offer has a time limit,” Alpha Edwin pats my shoulder. “Can I get you a proper drink?”

“I have my drink,” I indicate my tea.

“That’s not a drink, Torben,” Alpha Dante laughs.

“It’s my kind of drink,” I huff.

“Anyways, I will talk to you soon, alright?” He laughs and walks away.

I sigh with relief and step out of the lounge. There is a balcony that overlooks the royal city. I look out and sip my tea. Set is becoming a problem, and I would rather be working in my room. That was the only thing that seemed to quiet my mind. The scent of perfume washes over me, and I turn to see an overdressed female approaching me. She is wearing a tight dress with her breasts nearly spilling out while her blonde hair is done up tall. I can smell the large amount of hairspray that was used. She rubs my arm and smiles. I step away from her as Set growls. He is hell-bent on finding our mate, and any other female will not do.

“You are Alpha Ambrose, aren’t you?” She purrs.

I nod tersely. “I am,” I sip my tea.

“Cousin of King Tyrell,” She smirks.

I nod. “Correct again.” I take another step back from her. I know where this is going. She is most likely an alpha or beta’s daughter looking for an alpha male to satisfy her urge to mate.

“I am looking for the strongest alpha male to be my mate, and you fit that bill,” She explains. “Daddy only wants the best for me,” She giggles.

“I bet he does. Did he not teach you to dress like a proper lady and not a hooker?” I grumble, and her face falls.

“I’m not a hooker. I am a beautiful woman and deserve to dress however I want,” She whines and flips her hair.

I finish my tea, “I am not interested,” I tell her and walk away. I hear her complain, but I don’t turn. I walk into the lounge, and I smell chamomile. I sniff my cup, but this scent is all around me, and Set is acting up. I feel him pacing inside of my head. He is whining and trying to take over. I walk over to the bar and set my teacup down. I look around the lounge for the source and see a young female talking with Alpha Dante’s son, Simon, and another male she seems overly familiar with.

The scent is emanating from her, and Set is going wild, trying to get me to approach her. She is wearing an entirely too short black dress with her breasts showing off to everyone. Simon Dante keeps touching her, and it’s driving my wolf crazy. Despite the dress, I have to admit she is the most beautiful woman here, and I stare at her for a moment. To my horror, she allows Dante to lead her to the dancefloor, and I watch as they dance closely together. Set is going mad, clawing at the inside of my mind trying to get out. I hadn’t desired my mate in so long, and here I was, getting angry that she was near other males. She appears to be in a daze, so I assume she smells me too and her wolf is most likely acting like mine.

‘Go to her,’ Set growls. ‘Get her away from that other male. She is ours!’

I try to ignore him, but my instincts are making it difficult. I cannot deny my feelings, and when the music stops, I watch as Simon Dante is about to place his slimy lips on what is mine. I am not in control when a thunderous growl rolls out of me, and in seconds I am pulling Dante off of her and throwing him across the room. I grab my mate and pull her to my chest. “Mine!” I growl out. She looks up at me wide-eyed. ‘MATE!’ Set confirms. There is momentary silence until I come to my senses, and she tries to get out of my hold. I hold her tight while she struggles. “You are mine!”

“No!” She whimpers and looks away from me.

Two males run up to me, and I recognize one as Alpha Wyatt Moonglade of the Moonglade pack. “Alpha Ambrose, let go of my daughter,” He growls.

“Mine!” I repeat.

“Daddy,” My mate whines as her father growls and steps towards me with the younger male at his side. “Let me go!” She beats on my chest, and with reluctance, I let go, and she runs and grabs onto Alpha Moonglade.

Alpha Moonglade and the younger male close ranks, and he glares at me.

My anger rolls off as my mate does everything she can to not look at me by burying her face in Alpha Moonglade’s back. “Hand over my mate, Alpha Moonglade.”

“I will do no such thing,” He snarls. “She is my daughter, and you frightened her.”

“She is mine!” I step towards him. The other alpha doesn’t seem fazed and stands tall.

That only angers Set more, and he pushes forward. “If you want to live, I suggest you hand her over,” Set’s deeper voice seeps out my mouth, and he pushes the other alpha.

Alpha Moonglade pushes back, and I go to punch him when my cousin runs over and pulls me back while the younger male holds Alpha Moonglade back.

“What’s going on, Torben?” He asks and looks at the other alpha. “Alpha Moonglade?”

“He won’t hand over my mate,” I growl. I notice that my mate seems to have run off. I look around the room while sniffing the air.

“Mate?” Tyrell laughs. “You found your mate, Torbie?”

I growl loudly at my cousin despite him being the king. “Yes,” I say through gritted teeth. “Where is she, Alpha?” I growl loudly at Alpha Moonglade and go to push him again. Another male has run up to us along with my beta. I recognize the other man as Carl Stewart. A cousin on Tyrell’s father’s side. Carl stands beside Alpha Moonglade. “Where is my mate?” I demand.

Tyrell tries to push me back. “You have to calm down, Torben.” He says to me using his kingly tone. “You need to discuss this rationally. The poor girl is probably frightened.” He turns to Alpha Moonglade. “Maybe you should have your daughter come back in, Wyatt.”

The other alpha sighs heavily and looks at the younger male, “Ryland, go find your sister, please.”

Ryland glares at me. “Why so this asshole can scare her some more?” He growls.

I turn my attention to him.

“Just do as I ask, Ryland,” Alpha Moonglade tells him.

Ryland narrows his eyes at me and walks away.

Tyrell clasps my upper arm. “Good now, let's go discuss things,” He says. The tension in the room is palatable as we walk out. Everyone in the room has been silently watching. “Go back to the party, everyone,” Tyrell says with a nervous laugh.

We move out to the hallway, and my mate’s chamomile scent is all around me. And I look around for her. Tyrell makes us go into a sitting room, and I am too tense to sit.

“Okay, gentlemen, let’s discuss this,” Tyrell stands in between us.

“There is no discussion. I want my mate,” I state.

“She is not an object, Alpha Ambrose,” Moonglade snarls at me.

“I know that, but she is mine. I will be taking her back to Hemlock Grove tomorrow,” I tell him, and his face falls.

“Torben, you said you will stay for the whole conference,” Tyrell says to me. “You can’t leave yet.”

I sigh and glare at my cousin. “I have a lot of work to do, Tyrell.” Chamomile fills my senses, and I see my mate walking in on Ryland’s arm. I growl as I am not happy she is touching another male.

“Relax,” Alpha Moonglade snarls. “Ryland is her brother.”

“I don’t care,” I say while staring at her.

Alpha Moonglade steps towards my mate. “You have to go with your mate, Lenore.”

She shakes her head. “No, Daddy, please don’t make me go.” Tears well up in her eyes as she tightly grips Ryland’s arm. The fear I sense from her is making my cold heart ache.

Set whimpers in my head. ‘She is petrified of us.’

“You have to grow up, Lenore,” I growl. Her fright turns into a sneer.

Alpha Moonglade touches her shoulder, and I have to refrain from growling at him. “Lenore, you need at least talk to him.”

Hearing her name makes Set hum like a lovestruck idiot.

“Daddy, please,” Lenore pleads with her father.

“Talk to him, Lenore. Maybe he isn’t quite the asshole we all think he is,” Alpha Moonglade says, and I growl again. He turns to me. “We’ll leave you two to discuss things.” He nods at his son and the others. He steps towards me. “Hurt my daughter, and you’ll find out that my pack is much stronger than you think,” He growls.

“I have no intention of hurting your daughter, Alpha,” I snarl in response.

He grabs Ryland, “Come on, son.” Lenore is still clinging to her brother. “You have to let go of your brother, Lenore,” He hooks a finger under her chin. “You will be okay.” He leans down and says something in her ear.

Lenore sniffles and lets go of her brother. She watches as her father and the others march out of the room.

Tyrell leans into me,” Try not to frighten her anymore, Torben,” He pats my chest and walks out of the room.

Lenore stands on the edge of the room near the door, refusing to look at me. That only angers me.

“Why are you refusing to look at me?” I ask in a harsh tone. “Did your father not teach you manners?” I close the gap between us, and she tries to step back, but I wrap my arm around her and pull her against me. She tenses up and tries to escape. “Are you that scared of me?” I ask her.

“Please let me go,” She says softly.

I let her go, and she moves towards the door. “Do not leave,” I order her.

She sighs and looks at the ground while playing with her hands. I reach out and grab her hands. “I apologize for scaring you,” I say softly. “I wish you would look at me.” I touch her cheek, and she flinches away from me. “I promise I won’t hurt you,” I say to her, and slowly she looks up at me with blue eyes.

She gulps. “Can you just reject me and get it over with?”

My heart sinks when she says that. “Why would I reject you? You are mine.”

She takes a deep breath and looks me in the eyes, “I, Lenore Angelica Moonglade, rej-“ I cover her mouth before she can finish the sentence.

“You are rejecting me?” I snort, and she looks away from me. I grab her chin and force her to look at me. “Look, I didn’t come here looking for my mate either. But you are my mate, and I intend to take you back to Hemlock Grove whether you want to or not.”

“I don’t want to,” She states.

“You have to grow up, sometime. You can’t cling to your Daddy forever,” I sneer.

She narrows her eyes at me before turning and walking out of the sitting room. I follow her as she runs into Simon Dante. The younger male has a bruise on his forehead. He stops Lenore. “Hey, are you alright?” He asks her.

I stand a few feet away and glare at him.

Lenore shakes her head but says nothing. Simon touches her arm, and I let out a growl. “I suggest that you don’t touch my mate, Dante,” I say to him.

“You don’t scare me, Alpha Ambrose,” Simon huffs. “You scared my future, Luna, and that angers me.”

“You mean my Luna,” I snort. “Step away before I throw you across the room again,” I snarl.

“I’m okay, Simon,” Lenore pats his arm and starts to walk away again.

I grab her arm, and she squeals and tries to pull away from me. “Pack your things. We are leaving at six am sharp, and I don’t like to be late.” I let go of Lenore, and she rushes away from me without looking back. I watch her walk towards the elevators, and another woman runs up to her. They both get on the elevator, and the other woman stares at me as the doors close.

I sigh as Set urges me to go after her. ‘Why are you standing there?’ He growls.

I turn away from the elevators and wander down the hall. Mother walks up to me with Aunt Rebecca. “Torben,” Mother says to me. “I heard you found your mate.”

“It’s alright, Mother, “ I mumble.

“Where is she?” Mother looks around.

“She went upstairs somewhere,” I mumble. “We are leaving in the morning.”

“All of us?” She asks.

“You and Mina may stay longer if you wish. But I must return to Hemlock Grove,” I state.

“Oh, Torben, why?”

“Work, Mother,” I respond.

“And your mate?” She asks.

“She is coming with me,” I tell her.

“Did you demand she go with you?” Mother asks.

“She’s my mate,” I respond, and she sighs.

“Poor girl must be scared to death. I will go talk to her,” Mother says.

I shake my head, “You don’t need to do that, Mother.”

“What is her name?” Mother asks.

“Mother,” I growl, and she smacks my arm.

“What is her name?” Mother asks with a stern tone.

“Lenore Moonglade,” I respond and Set purrs hearing her name. ‘Quit acting like a puppy,’ I say to him.

“Wyatt Moonglade’s daughter?” Aunt Rebecca asks, and I nod. “You know Carl Stewart is his beta.”

I shrug.

“Anyways, we’ll go talk to her,” Aunt Rebecca nods at Mother.

I sigh, “Whatever. I am going to my room,” I grumble and walk towards the elevator. The chamomile scent is strong, and it takes everything I have to maintain my composure. Set is insisting on finding Lenore and marking her. When the elevator opens, I rush down to my room and sit on the bed. My head is a mess with Set pacing and trying to get me to find Lenore.

‘Her wolf’s name is Astrid,’ Set hums.

‘You already spoke to her wolf?’ I ask.

‘Of course. While you humans were acting like idiots, we connected. Lenore is a strong and intelligent woman. We are lucky to have her and Astrid for mates,’ Set explains.

‘She doesn’t want me, though,’ I sigh again.

‘Give her time,’ Set responds.

I move to a recliner and pick up my book and try reading. Lenore is running through my head, and I hate that I am falling for this mate bond. ‘Lenore,’ I keep repeating. ‘Such a beautiful name for a beautiful woman.’ An hour passes of me trying to read and clear my mind.

“Get a hold of yourself, Torben. Don’t let a woman control you this way,” I grumble to myself. I have to go for a walk, so I leave the room. Instincts and her Chamomile scent lead me to her room a couple of floors below mine.

I stand in front of the door and listen to my mate speaking to two others in the room. She sounds like she is crying while talking. I ignore the words I hear. I sigh and start to leave, but Set is urging me to at least talk to her.

So I take a deep breath and knock on the door. The door opens, and I see my mate with another female and a male in the room. I bristle at the presence of the other male. I look down at my mate, who is wearing shorts and a crop top. I want to berate her for her clothing choice around the other male, but Set stops me.

‘Don’t scare her again.’

“Is there something you need, Alpha Ambrose?” Lenore says without looking at me.

“I-“ I pause as I have no idea what to say to her. This is all new to me, and her scent is making me want to take her and mark her now. “I am leaving at six am sharp tomorrow. Be ready to go.”

Lenore looks at the ground. “You already told me, Alpha Ambrose,” She says in a robotic tone.

“I want you to be dressed appropriately too. Nothing like this,” I gesture to her outfit.

Lenore scoffs, “Yes, Alpha Ambrose.” She goes to close the door, and I stop it.

“Goodnight, Lenore. And please call me Torben,” I say and let go of the door.

Lenore says nothing and slams the door in my face. “I don’t want to go, Judi,” I hear her cry before walking away.

‘That went smoothly,’ Set grumbles.

‘Shut up,’ I grumble back and rush back to my room. I sit in the recliner, pick up my book, and resume reading about King Arthur.